Saturday, December 11, 2010

About my blog

Every time I take a trip, I bring my travel journal.  My parents made us write in a notebook every night when we would take a summer vacation.  At the time, I don't know how excited I was, but now I make sure that I document what I did each day.  It's a great way to remember all the little things that happened after you get back and everyone asks "What did you do?" or "What was your favorite thing?" and you can't remember what you did on the first day.  The problem is, the travel journal is at my house and on paper so it's hard to share.  So I thought I would get with the times and start an online travel journal.  The main reason to start it is for my upcoming trip to New Zealand with my sister.  It will be nice to be able to post what we are doing as we are on our trip.  So we'll see how it goes and if anyone even reads it.  I'll post a few things about past trips to get myself familiar with the whole blogging thing.  Enjoy!

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