Tuesday, May 24, 2011

NZ part 1

Hello all from Auckland!  It's day two of our visit to New Zealand and our last night in Auckland.  We arrived after a seemingly never-ending flight yesterday morning a little before 8 AM.  I did not get much sleep on the plane, but the ride was uneventful other than a few bumpy spots.  Quantas has great amenities, even in the economy seats.  We had dinner, breakfast and snacks throughout.  Got into Auckland, cleared customs and biohazard security and were on our way to our hotel.  The room was ready right away, which was nice.  We were able to drop off all our stuff and refresh after the loooooong day to get here.

A visitor center is located right across from the hotel so we stopped there first.  Decided to take the harbour cruise so we booked that.  Got lunch at Subway and then took the ferry ride.  It was a nice way to see the city from the water and check out the other islands.  After the ferry, we walked around a little, got ice cream for dinner and went to bed at 6!  We were exhausted.

This morning we picked up our rental car.  Quite an adventure heading back to the hotel, but I managed to stay in the correct lane.  Just a little tricky staying far enough away from the curb!  Not used to that yet, but we'll be out of the city tomorrow so driving should be easier!

Walked from the hotel to the Auckland Domain and visited the Auckland Museum.  I don't think it was that long of a walk, but it was mostly uphill so that wasn't much fun.  The museum has tons of different exhibits covering all areas of New Zealand.  Types of wildlife, plants, history and culture.  It was worth the $10 donation.

Headed back to the city and took the ferry to Devonport.  The ferry ride there was included with our Harbour Cruise from yesterday.  We were done walking so we spent our time there sitting by the water, watching the boats and the birds.  Took the ferry back and rested in the hotel.  Now dinner and probaby bed early again.

So far, we are enjoying our time, but will be glad to be out of the city so we can check out the scenery!  Hope to post more soon!

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